Thursday, July 9, 2009

Finger Lickin Fifteen

First things first. Let me just assure you that i Loved the book. Funny story and i mean who doesn't love a cross dressing fireman in a chicken suit? Interested yet?
Because there is a but.
I'm a tad bit of a fanatic for Ranger. He's hot. He wears all black, he says, "Babe" and his obvious weakness is Steph. She keeps going on and on about how Ranger would be no good in a relationship. Honestly though...what guy is until you give him a shot? She thought Morelli was a playboy jerk before she started to date him too. He wrote a dirty poem about her and wrote it on the men's bathroom, she ran him over with her car...Now he's her 'domesticated choice'.
Morelli is the adult choice. I get that. He has a normal job, a house, likes football and drinks beer, has the extended family that would give Stephanie a regular life. (Or as regular as she could manage) But i guess i'm just 5 because i dont want the adult choice. I want the 'really bad idea, but we'll have a hell of alot of fun making this mistake' choice. I read to live vicariously through the heroines experiences and I WANT TO SLEEP WITH RANGER. *pant pant*
Okay. I'll go try to grow up now and wait til the next book comes out in a year.

Moravian Dark Ones by Katie MacAlister

I love Katie MacAlister. I first found her when i read her Guardian series. Her writing is fast paced and Hilarious. And her characters are always unique.

I've been waiting to read the Moravian Dark Ones series until i could collect the whole thing. I think i read one out of order before i realized it wasn't a stand alone book. Well, i've just finished the first 3 in the series and I can assure you, it was worth the wait.

What i liked best about the first book was that even though the main character was 'fated' to be with Dark One Christian, she chose to go her own way and fell in love with another man. I've read so many of these books that i halfway assumed throughout the entire story that something would happen and she would end up with Christian anyways so it really kept the story fresh and interesting for me. I totally felt for Christian too, poor guy, finally finds his Beloved after centuries and it turns out she is a true 20th century girl, determined to have it how she wants it regardless.

The second story is Christians story and i loved how the underlying message was that sometimes you Learn to become someone's soul mate. That it doesn't always have to be some cosmic thing, fated from birth - that you can grow into the role and be what someone else needs.

Christian and his beloved are back in the 3rd book, but as secondary characters. And i think this may have been the book i'd accidently read out of order years ago because some parts of it seemed pretty familiar.

In order:
A Girls Guide to Vampires
Sex and the Single Vampire
Sex, Lies, and Vampires

I highly recommend this as a light hearted paranormal romance. Katie MacAlister never fails to put a smile on my face!