Saturday, June 13, 2009

I love the Sookie Stackhouse series. However, after finishing the latest book i felt, disappointed. I didn't feel like anything had Happened. Okay, she married Eric, on accident. She gets involved in a war between different factions of the Fae. Her grandfather leaves, seemingly never to see her again. That was sad. Oh, and Arlene helps plot to kill her. That pissed me off. But, i didn't like Arlene anyways.

Maybe it's because i'm a Bill supporter and Bill has practically become a secondary character. I get that he lied. I do. It would infurriate me also. many books have you all read were the couple meets and one or the other is lying about their intentions in the beginning, then gets to know the hero or heroine and suddenly they have feelings for them and change their mind? Numerous. It's the base of half the romance novels out there. I dont get why we're still hating Bill. He has proven himself numerous times, and he loves her. .. slick. He tricks her into marriage for crying out loud! It doesn't make sense to me that she'll accept things from Eric that when Bill did them or offered them she thew a fit.

My sister-in-law likes to go on and on about how Eric graveled her driveway because he was taking care of her and knew she needed it. When Bill set up an account for her at the clothing store he bought so she would have clothes for the vampire business he was taking her one she threw a freakin fit! She said she doesn't want to be taken care of, she doesn't want to be a 'kept woman' and that it made her feel cheap. So..clothes for work bad, gravel good? Huh?

Eric has a business. His vampire business is WAY more important to him than Sookie. He has manipulated Sookie so many times. Bill doesn't. He gives her the info and she gets to make her own decisions. He tried to keep her out of the vampire world once he started to care about her.

Ok. Ok. I'm not talking about the book anymore, i'm ranting. I've had this arguement with so many people. Anyways bottom line - book okay, not the best, but okay.

But that's okay, TruBlood premieres Sunday! Yay! Does anyone else get creeped out with how the actor playing Bill says "Sookie" ? Honestly it sounds like an explenative when he says it, like he spits it out. Verra Creepy. But Eric is hot in the series. Go figure, i can't be pleased.

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